Every person in their life faced with expectation..
And sometimes it happens that here he is this person whom you have been waiting for all your life ... but he does not seek to take any action against you and you can only wait and torment your hopes.
First we wait.. A very long time. We believe, we hope, we check, maybe now he will confess his feelings, tell you what place you occupy in his heart.
And when this does not happen, the feeling "thank you, no need" comes. Calm, even, without anguish, understanding that even if this happens now, you will no longer be able to accept and rejoice in this, as when you were waiting.
And then one thing sounds in your head: I waited too long and after all this - no need. This does not mean that you are capricious, manipulative, or inflate your worth. Simply no. Burnt out.
And it doesn’t matter that someone understood, decided, realized and is finally ready. You had to think before. Before. Trains leave, planes leave, people stop waiting. All? Yes all. And you don’t need this ... how is it, these are the circumstances, how can you not understand? Understand. I accept. But I don't want to.
Take a quick look at this and think: are you not scared? Bury your dreams, isn't it scary? No, don't be afraid! Because a dream offended by a long wait is no longer a dream. Energy is leaving her. Therefore, it is better to let go of your dreams when it is already clear that waiting is becoming a habit.
I would like to ask many people, and sometimes myself: why do you think that they will be waiting for you? So much time, so many times, to wait and wait, where do you get such confidence that you are worth it? That the time spent with you is so priceless for someone that he will not find something to fill his real life with instead? You know, even the greatest love can end if you deceive a person's expectations all the time.
And what can we say about friendship, about work?
So don't make people wait. It's pretty disgusting to hear the answer "thank you, no need." However, feeling emptiness inside instead of hope is also not a thrill... Talk about your feelings and intentions now and not later. Then maybe not!
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