In the basket, in addition to you, there are various things.
Some things are reminiscent of the past, some are needed for the present, and some are reserved for the future.
Your flight is impeccable, the stars are within reach, but suddenly your ball slows down, and after a while, obeying the law of gravity, it begins to descend smoothly...
All your dreams and desires to reach great heights, to know the joy of flying, to see bright landscapes and perspectives, to fill your lungs with clean air instantly collapse and you suddenly realize that there will be no second chance to reach space ... You realize that the load that flies with you this is to blame and he makes the ball cling to the ground.
You realize that you are faced with a choice: fly to the stars or fall down.
Each of us, in our life, faces a similar choice. Most things are a banal ballast, which includes feelings of guilt, and negative experience of the past, and complexes, and fears, and aggression, and anxiety, and unresolved problems ... As well as a toxic and stuffy environment that prevents you from feeling harmonious and comfortable . Those who are sorry to throw away this "dead weight" end up at the bottom in the final...
Well, those who risk not interrupting the flight, getting rid of unnecessary ballast, eventually reach the goal, where with undisguised delight they discover the same enthusiasts who also took a risk once and did not lose.
These are victorious people who make history with their own hands.
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