I hope these 5 little secrets will help you. Use them, and between two loving people will not appear a crack, gradually turning into a chasm of alienation.
1. No matter how difficult your day is, do not go to bed without saying kind and gentle words to each other.
2. Do not count who owes whom how much. It won't always be 50/50 between you. Give without counting.
3. Remember, marry your best friend. Someone you know well and trust.
4. Remember, marriage isn't meant to make "me" happy, it's meant to make "us" happy.
5. Sometimes you will have to talk about things that are painful and uncomfortable. But you need to be able to talk about those things to strengthen the relationship. It's the only way to fix and resolve relationship problems when things go wrong.
"I LOVE YOU" - say it at least once a day. Don't miss this opportunity. You don't know when you will say it for the last time. Take care of each other! Everything is in your hands. Good luck, happiness and love!
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