how cats won the war between Persia and Egypt
id: 10048885

🐱Everyone knows that the ancient 😍Egyptians considered a cat a sacred animal, and for causing harm to a person, a person could be severely punished or even sentenced to death.💛

🐱This played a cruel joke on him) Persian warriors also knew this fact about their opponents)

In 525 BC, 😍near the ancient Egyptian city of Pelusium, Persian troops led by Cambyses II met with the Egyptian army of Pharaoh Psammetichus III.💛

😍The Egyptian army outnumbered the Persian part of the population, and behind it was a fortified city-fortress, which gave them confidence. 💛After all, it was almost impossible to attack him.

🐱In addition, they know their territory very well, they were helped by their own factors, geographical data, knowledge and natural sandstorms. They tracked the state of the Nile River in order to send their warships. 💛The Egyptians had all the cards to win!

However, the Egyptian pharaoh was forced to leave the battlefield with a defeat. After all, the soldiers refused to fight and laid down their arms.😍

😍 after all, in their hands the Persians did not hold shields, but cats - animals sacred to the Egyptians. Not wanting to harm cats, the Egyptians simply fled from the enemy.
