How to bring passion back into a relationship
id: 10047622

Relations between a man and a woman begin with interest. I see a person, I do not know who he is, and it is important for me to get closer in order to find out. In his presence, I suddenly begin to feel different.

Further, the relationship goes through several stages: The stage of romantic love
comfort stage
Stage of conflict, or power confrontation
avoidance stage
Cooling stage

After all these stages, feelings cool down and it is no longer possible to love as before. However, often you don’t want to lose a loved one either. So what to do in this situation?

The task is to restore the feeling of intimacy

To achieve this, you can use a few tips. Among all the tips, I would single out the following:

Talk to a partner
Long conversations and discussions are rarely associated with romance. However, honest dialogue about what you're missing and how you feel can save a couple when a relationship hits a dead end.

Go back to the past
Memories of tender, sensual and simply happy moments spent together help to get closer. Find on the shelf an old valentine that your partner gave you once. Reread the correspondence of the first days. View photos from a wedding, honeymoon or other travels.

Repeat romantic moments
After you remember the past, move one step further - repeat the brightest and most beautiful moments.

Pay attention to your partner
Over time, we are sucked in by work, household chores and daily stresses - and we forget about our loved one. This is one of the biggest mistakes in relationships. Especially when you have children.

I believe that if you follow these tips, you will be able to save many relationships and make them even more interesting than before.
