Falling in love is the joy that you experience from the fact that "building materials have been brought in, builders have arrived, the first brick has been laid, a magnificent project has been planned." That is, a cool little man appeared in life, relationships begin. Some people enjoy it longer, some less. But, in fact, this is a kind of joy of "acquisition", which eventually lets go.
Love is a ready-made house, that is, the result of a long (ideally many years) building process. Yes, it can be improved and furnished for a long time, yes, it needs constant care. But a decorated family is, in general, a ready-made house. And real relationships are not built quickly: an expensive, beautiful house requires remarkable investments, energy, and effort.
Note that both love and falling in love consist of the same "bricks and building materials." These building materials are love itself. Well, it’s not out of fear that relationships are molded!
Therefore, it cannot be said that falling in love is something fake / cheap / bad. It can simply manifest itself in 2 qualities:
1) The desire to do something for the object of love (give, give, serve)
2) The desire to enjoy the object of love (expect attention, gifts, care)
And if the love is pure, with the desire to give - this is a good foundation for further building relationships.
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