10 surprisingly simple tips on how to learn to speak beautifully!
id: 10041739

The beautiful speech of the child is the merit of his parents. It is desirable to develop conversational skills from childhood. This is facilitated by visiting a theater studio or a poetry circle, as well as constant reading and learning poetry.
First of all, in an effort to learn how to speak correctly, you need a responsible approach and a well-defined strategy. It will also be useful for you to follow a few rules in the process of improving speech:

1. Exclude parasitic words from circulation.
2. Read fiction.
3. Constantly enrich speech with new words.
4. Fight with defects in diction or pronunciation.
5. Listen to beautiful and correct speech.
6. Retell what you read or heard.
7. Avoid tautologies. Highlight the main thing.
8. Develop memory.
9. Fight the fear of the public.
10. Getting rid of parasitic words.

These tips seem simple, but only constant adherence to them will lead to the desired result. You can deliver a speech without outside help, you only need self-control and discipline.
