What is really more important to you?
id: 10050942

It's always hard to write something about yourself. It's easier for someone to tell you about you, isn't it? After all, it looks better from the side.
Although many may have a biased attitude towards me.

It would be interesting for me to listen if you asked my friends about me so that they would tell you about me? Although I'm probably mature enough that my opinion of myself depends on the opinions of people, even those close to me.

How would you react if someone said bad things about me to you? But at the same time, you like me and have a good opinion of me. What would be your actions?
Would you test me?

I love people who are developed and educated, who have enough knowledge to sensibly assess the situation and not turn their opinions on people. Even if they are in the majority.

I believe that who you really are, you attract the same people into your life.
