To keep silent and sulk, deciding that everything is clear and "he must realize how wrong..." - Well, just some kind of kindergarten - no one owes anyone anything. Explain, ask for an explanation, forgive, ask for forgiveness, talk, just don't go into a dead end of silence and resentment and ridiculous and idiotic self-love.
🌟The kind of relationship where you don't have to put a password on your phone is good.
The worst way to miss a person is to be with them and realize that they will never be yours.
🌟When a person cares about you, they're bound to respond to you even to a message that essentially has nothing to say.
🌟There's no need to waste yourself on anyone. Better save your love, care and tenderness, so that at the right time to give it to the right person.
🌟Building a relationship on lies is like building a house on sand. They are bound to collapse.
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