It seemed to her that the whole huge world was looking at her, applauding and rejoicing at her talent! It seemed that the whole universe was now giving her its attention and warmth, its gaze and love!
At that moment there was nothing this Little Girl could not do! She was absolutely certain that she was capable of anything! She felt talented, beautiful, loud, big! She knew for sure she could hear the music and dance it! She felt bright, needed, alive!
And not because she was the center of attention (many people had already gathered around her), and not because she was standing on such a favorite and familiar stage, and not even because some boy gave her a bouquet of just picked flowers...
She felt alive and confident because, at that very moment, Little Girl was looking at her Mother. Her most important and necessary spectator. The viewer who, in that moment, accepted her art in all its splendor and uniqueness.
That look can't be compared to anything and can't be replaced by anything! The Mother's gaze for the Child is the gaze of the entire World!
In the life of the Little Girl there will be a lot of different looks later - judging, asking, embarrassing, helping.... Different. But that look from Mother is still the most important resource, the most important support for her. That same look that tells her through time, "You're here, honey! I can see you! You're entitled to a great life! You are talented, beautiful and unique! You can do anything!"
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