Wishes of men and women. myth and reality
id: 10048885

There are many myths around the sexuality of women: how does science refute the misconceptions about their monogamy and the power of hormones over them?

For many centuries, and even for thousands of years, the topic of women's sexuality was taboo. And only recently, the topic of female sexuality has ceased to be taboo and cause embarrassment in the discussion.

Many men still think that a woman cannot, and generally should not, have an orgasm, be attracted to a man, or have intercourse initiatively.

I think that in most countries women are still unhappy and cant enjoy sex as men on the same level. We are forbidden to want this, to desire! We were forbidden from childhood to talk about it.

Why? Why are people so afraid to admit they have natural desires?

This is awesome! When you want pleas your partner, right?
Science has long confirmed that humans are polygamous animals.

Neither men nor women have in their genes and set of DNA properties that would give an interest in only one partner for life.

This means that we can all be attracted to 2-3 or more people in our lifetime.

Therefore, do not forbid yourself to experience emotions and vivid desires! Life is given to enjoy it!
