Why women value attention
id: 10041739

Attention is a resource that has unequal value for different genders.

Indeed, a woman appreciates attention much more than men, especially if this attention is male. The need for male attention is an ancient instinct, tied to the instinct of survival and motherhood. In primitive times, an era when the base of human instincts was formed, the attention of men, who acted as hunters and protectors, was the most valuable resource that women collected in all possible ways.
Male attention increases a woman's survival rate.
Why is attention valuable? Evolution has laid in a man a basic instinct: "Protect a woman from danger," since she is extremely important for procreation. Tribes that did not follow this simple rule were weeded out by natural selection. This instinct is not particularly specialized, a man will seek to protect any woman who is in his field of attention. Naturally, this desire cannot always be satisfied, sometimes the instinct of self-preservation takes its toll. But even taking into account misfires, this feature is a significant bonus to the survival of the fair sex. The male sex does not have this advantage, the female instinct for protection is significantly narrowed and is focused mainly on their own children. In addition, even the received female attention is not of very high quality due to its defocused nature. A woman pays attention to a man because she pays attention to everything around her and because he is valuable to her as a potential source of attention.
