"the sea"
id: 10052388

The immensity of the camisole is unbuttoned.
The sword of the horizon was scarlet.
The air flowed, the seagulls groaned.
Into the silence of the tattered clouds.
A short trace of the surf is battered by the surf.
The sand swallows quickly the way.
The sea teases us harmlessly.
Trying to look into our souls.
The mercury is ornately refracted
In the tangle of watery lines
The sea herbs swaying in their thick masses.
Of sea-grass plants.
The twilight velvet of the wings
The lambs are still hastening, hastening
Tickles the nostrils with iodine dust.
And the wind whispers, hoarse.
The crystal is battered, the chalk of seashells.
Sharp the rug that's worn through.
The quirkiness of freckled stones.
The liquor spilled on the ground.
Oh, the sea, the sea's bottomless eye
The cold fishy gleam
The slothful run of the lazy woman.
Of coins to pay off the red-headed splash.
