Emotions and health
id: 10041739

Emotion - possible health consequences

A splash of aggression over trifles - problems with teeth, dysfunction of the gallbladder, heartburn, hypertension, migraines, chronic indigestion.
Anxiety - indigestion, heart problems, circulatory disorders, chills.
Impotence - hypotension, dizziness, fatigue, problems with the gums and teeth, problems with posture, respiratory diseases.
Sadness from the fact that something cannot be resisted, the state of the victim - problems with teeth, with the heart, indigestion, sinusitis.
Arrogance and arrogance - diseases of the joints, respiratory tract, disorder of the liver.
The desire to achieve something at all costs, at any cost - sleep disorders, migraines, stomach problems, diseases of the spine, genital area, heart disorders.
Thirst for revenge, hatred - liver disease, skin disorders, stomach problems, cancer, gallbladder disease.
Envy - indigestion, problems with the stomach and gallbladder, diseases of the teeth, heart, skin.
Dissatisfaction - increased appetite, overweight, problems with the heart and circulation, migraines, reduced body resistance, respiratory diseases, stiffness and poor posture.
Uncertainty - liver dysfunction, respiratory disease, posture problems, migraines, digestive disorders.
Irritation with anxiety - sleep disturbance, stomach problems, diarrhea, hypertension, heart pain, trembling, tension.
Jealousy - sleep disorder, digestive problems, migraines, back problems.
Fear of anything - hypertension, heart disease, asthma and other chronic respiratory diseases, digestive disorders, dental diseases, migraines, problems with posture, teeth, eyes, hearing, kidney disease.
Boredom - depression, circulatory problems, gallbladder dysfunction, skin and hair problems, reduced body resistance.
Feeling of inferiority - violation of posture, weakness of connective tissues, hypotension, dysfunction of the liver, stomach, diseases of the teeth and gums.
Rage - Stomach and gallbladder problems, dental problems, hemorrhoids, respiratory problems, heart problems, tension and cramps, cancer, kidney and bladder problems.

At the heart of all these emotions lies the mechanism of self-destruction. It seems to you that you are dissatisfied with the world, but in fact you are dissatisfied with yourself. Not without reason in all ancient religions and philosophies the main rule was "know thyself". But this is not a call to selfishness, but rather, a call to start making friends with yourself, with your "I".
