1. We learn to stand up for ourselves.
We're really learning not to get into other people's waste anymore. We grow thicker skin and bigger fists. When we speak, people listen to us. We begin to be less afraid, shy and shy. And all thanks to the fact that once our beautiful world was broken by a certain scoundrel, we had to collect it piece by piece and in the process realize our strength and our capabilities.
2. We learn to look after those who matter to us.
Friends. A family. Significant people. If something bad happens to them, then something bad happened to us. We share wonderful moments with them, we laugh with them, we are proud of our achievements, but we also cry with them. So if someone did a nasty thing to one of our loved ones, he did a nasty thing to us personally.
3. We learn to believe in the benefit of the doubt
Sometimes people are cruel, but that has nothing to do with us. It’s just that someone was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and they were feeling bad and scared, and they had to recoup someone. Not everyone does this, and there is nothing good in this, but you should not judge them harshly.
Anyone who has experienced pain knows how difficult it is to deal with it without hurting anyone.
4. We realize that only those who want help can be helped
Sometimes it doesn't matter how much you want to help or how helpful your advice is. If a person does not want help, he will not accept it, no matter how you beg. You can try to move the mountain, but if the mountain does not want to move, it will remain where it was.
5. We understand that a person can be just a scoundrel, and this cannot be corrected
There are people who simply enjoy being rascals, and these are the most dangerous. They start fights. They start gossip. They're doing their best to get as many people hurt as possible, so if you're in the way of one, hold on tight. And if fate has brought you to one of these enthusiastic scoundrels, just remember the famous joke: "Before diagnosing depression and low self-esteem, make sure you are not surrounded by bastards."
6. At the same time, we discover that the world is full of good people who are ready to help when we need them.
Anyone who is familiar with falls and failures knows that every time a situation seems hopeless, people come from somewhere who are ready to give wise advice and share a bit of kindness.
“Live as if life favors you,” said the Sufi poet Rumi. This means even in dark times to expect good from life, and good will not delay. There will be people, sometimes complete strangers, who will provide the necessary assistance. And sometimes we ourselves become such people - for someone else.
7. We learn to forgive and forget. Or forgive and remember forever
There are things that cannot be forgiven or forgotten. But sometimes it's better to forgive - just to be at peace with yourself, so that you don't feel any more regret, or anger, or hatred, or jealousy, or any other similar feeling that can eat us alive. Coming to terms with yourself and your personal history is very important.
But there are things that cannot be forgotten. They are so significant that they are cut right on the heart, and the pain from this remains forever. And the people who did this to us give us the most important lesson: there is pain that you can forget and live on, and there is pain that you have to live with.
8. We learn to control our emotions, for better or for worse.
It happened to everyone: we exploded and lost control of ourselves, and then regretted it. It is unpleasant to lose your temper, and even more unpleasant for those who were nearby at that time. Moreover, it is worth recognizing: the wick set fire to a trifle, and the explosion sounded because we were already internally torn to pieces.
Having experienced several such situations, we learn to stop, look into our soul, find the source of peace and tranquility there and put in order the furious thoughts. Or just play sports without stopping, so that endorphins do their job.
9. Once a broken heart gets stronger
A broken heart hurts. Love is painful. All this pink slobber - "love is patient, love is kind..." is absolute nonsense. It is impossible to think otherwise if it is difficult to breathe from pain. But as muscles ache, strengthening, so our heart becomes stronger in sadness. We learn about relationships and that relationships are hard. After a breakup, we learn a lot about ourselves: how resilient and strong and passionate about what we do. That there are friends who are ready to help and support. So being heartbroken by a bastard is the best part of being with a bastard. This gap forces us to be better, not to give up, to stand up, overcome pain and move on.
10. And this is the last lesson that the scoundrels who have inherited in our lives give us
They teach us to appreciate what we have. They teach you to love your life and not to waste it on those who do not deserve it. And although no one likes to do this, we finally gain the ability to throw people out of our lives who should not be there. Life is worth spending on the people you love and the things you love. Live every day in the best possible way and not be distracted by any bastards.
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