how parents interfere in our personal life and marriage
id: 10048885

🚩It seems to us that we are free in choosing a partner, but this is not at all the case. The choice is influenced not only by the model of parents, but also by the experience of ancestors: grandparents and even great-great-grandmothers. A person has a subconscious desire to be "good" and not disappoint parents. As for the similarity that we are looking for, it is not photographic, but abstract, because the subconscious mind has its own portrait of mother or father.

🚩Most people agree that they have chosen a partner who is similar to their parent. Mother or Father - depending on your gender. Someone does it consciously, speialno. Even similar in appearance. Someone does not understand, but as if he feels the similarity, warm feelings, a sense of kinship. People often say "I'm with him / her as if at HOME" - is the similarity of my parents

🚩But the country of your residence can also influence the choice of a spouse. Your traditions.

🚩In India, a mother is looking for a wife for her son. Choose according to her criteria and tastes. It's shameful for a boy to be free. After the wedding, all the doors in the career and society open for the boy. But the girl, becoming a wife, will be forced to give her entire salary to her mother-in-law.

🚩In Chile, parents not only choose a bride for their son, but even go on a honeymoon trip with them! sounds terrible and even stupid, but it's their tradition. After that, the nightmare does not end. After all, the parents will live with the newlyweds in the same house.

🚩In the Middle East, the situation is completely opposite. Here all the strictness is directed at the girls. The girl does not know her husband, she sees him for the first time only on the wedding day. Prior to this, all agreements were between the parents of the newlyweds. They have decided, and the children are obliged to obey. A girl, having become a wife, bids farewell to her parents on her wedding day forever - not symbolically and radically. Most likely she will never return to her parents' house, her husband will forbid her to leave her new home. She will be his servant.
