How to make it so that you dream what you want
id: 10041739

First: proper preparation for sleep
In the evening, a few hours before bedtime, you can not overload yourself with physical exercises, mental stress and dense fatty foods. It is necessary to discard all worries and worries and relax. You can take a warm bath, listen to calm music, drink herbal tea... Before going to bed, turn off the sound and vibration on all gadgets, use night curtains, do everything so that the atmosphere relaxes and disposes to a deep, calm and sound sleep. Therefore, eliminate all irritants.

We program ourselves for the image and details
Next, concentrate on what you want to see in a dream. But it is important not to think about the scenario in detail, but to imagine the image and some details, that is, to focus on the idea of ​​​​dream and think about it. For example, if you want to find yourself at a carnival in Brazil, it’s enough to think about the carnival, and not about what you will do there, what you will wear, who you will go on tour with ... And then the subconscious mind will do everything for you! It is also important to program yourself so that you can control your sleep so that beautiful visions do not turn into a nightmare. Think that you are the master of your dreams, you control what happens, you decide what and who will be in your dream. The stronger the internal installation, the more likely it is to get what you want.

Balancing between dream and reality
Before going to bed, set an alarm that should ring in 6 hours. Tentatively, you will wake up in the morning, when you will have a phase of REM sleep, in which we see dreams. At the sound of the alarm, you have to get up, drink water or wash, go to the toilet - you have to perform some kind of physical action so that the body and brain wake up. And then immediately go to bed and fall asleep again, of course, with the thought of the desired dream. Such an awakening for the body is so sudden that the subconscious mind does not have time to react, where is the dream, and where is the reality, and after falling asleep again, it will give you the desired visions. It is important to learn how to create as powerful state balances as possible.

When you feel that you are starting to fall asleep, do not turn off your brain, on the contrary, continue to think about the desired dream for as long as possible. And right now you can imagine small details, nuances that will help your consciousness to cling to the image and give it to you in a dream, which will smoothly flow from reality into the world of dreams.

Focus your thoughts also on the three senses: sight, hearing and touch. Try to feel reality through them.

About the eyes: try to imagine what the darkness looks like, see it, do not move your eyelids and eyeballs, completely relax your face.

About hearing: focus on what you hear, even if there is complete silence. Hear your breathing, your heartbeat, the wind in the street, the ticking of a clock... All these monotonous sounds will help you immerse yourself in a state of meditation.

About touch: feel the softness of the blanket in your hands, feel how warm the pillow is under your cheek, feel the coolness of silk pajamas. Think about it and enjoy the sensations.

After such manipulations, you will slowly fall into a dream without noticing it yourself. And then you will dream about what you thought so hard during the evening.

We remember a dream
Agree, it would be a shame to make so much effort, to see the desired dream and safely forget it after waking up! To prevent this from happening, put a notebook with a pen next to the bed. After you wake up for the first time in the morning or in the middle of the night, and the images from the dream are still fresh in your head, write everything down on paper. So you, firstly, remember what you saw in the morning, and secondly, further strengthen the setting for the desired dream in your subconscious mind by writing it down on paper.

For some people, it takes only two days to work through lucid dreams, while others take weeks to practice. In any case, if you really believe in it and make every effort, then you will definitely succeed!
