How to find your calling
id: 10041739

Eternal search: what is my purpose?
The search for a destination has become a widespread practice in recent years. Seekers want to believe that each of us has one destiny that will lead to greatness. Reality is much simpler and more pleasant. Let's first leave the pursuit of greatness and turn our attention to a smaller category - vocation. A vocation is what we can do in practice, and what will bring us pleasure and a sense of satisfaction, and will also be accepted and appreciated by society. The calling may be different. To find it is to understand in what way we can most productively and with pleasure benefit other people. Avoid restrictions. The famous 10,000 hours - the time in which mastery is achieved - obliges us to choose today one single thing in which we should improve in the next 10 years. But what if you are interested in different areas? My answer: engage in different areas. Do what is interesting, without trying to define an occupation for 10 years in advance. There are two reasons for this. The first is that there are different types of people. One type is the master. The other is an organizer. The first type achieves professionalism in one area. The second is to systematize the skills and knowledge gained in completely different areas, while creating something new. The second reason is that once the accumulated skills and knowledge become so much that this provokes a quantum leap in your professional implementation.
The very first incredibly effective step to find your calling and turn it into something you love is to forget about finding a calling. Reduce importance, do not spend hours, days, weeks and months thinking “what is really mine?”. Instead, just start doing what interests you.
