Love only lasts 3 years?
id: 10049811

It all depends on 7 mistakes that destroy relationships in up to 3 years.
For three years, that love lives that did not storm the peaks and did not visit the bottom, but fell from the sky ready.
Love lives for a long time only if each of those who love knows its price.
That's just the awareness of value is not enough to not just exist together, but to be happy. It is important not to make these mistakes:
📌 To think that intimacy comes by itself
In psychology, it is believed that the presence of emotional closeness is the main component of a healthy and happy relationship. But it seems to many that it happens by itself, from the fact that you are together. In fact, this is what you need to “work” on every day, more and more opening your feelings (including negative ones), fears and thoughts to another and also accepting the partner’s soul.
📌 Hiding problems and secrets
It kills intimacy rather than helping the relationship. Suppressed discontent will sooner or later come out and the scandal may intensify. And it happens that hidden thoughts from the inside kill love.
📌 Games and manipulations
The easiest way to get what you want from a partner, but not the most effective. Emotional intimacy and manipulation are incompatible. Lies, silence and games alienate you from each other forever. Building well right away is much easier than trying to remake something that is cracking at the seams.
📌 Pretend
Pretense. Pretending to be happy, pretending that everything is fine when cats are scratching their hearts. Faking an orgasm is even worse than hiding the problem. Men perfectly feel falseness, and this means a loss of trust.
📌 Trying to forge an ideal from a real person
A million times I have heard the confidence of women that they will remake their husband, reforge, or he himself will change afterwards. Why would? You go into a relationship not blindfolded. And then either you accept it as it is, or you are looking for the right one. Each person needs to accept his essence, and if this does not happen, then the relationship crumbles.
📌 Dissolve in relationships
We consider it right to give ourselves without a trace to our loved ones. Forgetting about yourself, your interests, desires. But this leads to the fact that you cease to be an independent person and lose interest in life, and your man loses interest in you.
📌 "You have to" attitude
Hanging on obligations has never helped in their fulfillment. Relationships are a joint project, and everyone should contribute to it. And this is already a matter of agreements where both are comfortable.
