Aries One of the most loving signs, temperamental and passionate. For the sake of a partner, he is ready for almost everything, so he is afraid to fall in love. Forgetting about modesty, he tries to draw attention to himself in any way. Goes ahead, demands clarity, will never be a fallback.
Taurus Has a reputation as the most faithful partner, although he loves intrigue. Falls in love often, but does not develop romance. He loves his main partner, he is ready for anything, but he decides when to marry and have children. Not in a hurry, checking the seriousness of the partner's intentions.
Gemini Having fallen in love, will immediately report this to the object of passion. Will be gentle, caring, ready to make concessions. Without reciprocity, he goes in search of a new object, is not inclined to suffer. Requests not to rush into the development of relations are met with hostility.
Cancer Does not believe in love at first sight, does not like flirting. Studying, getting closer gradually. In love, a romantic, shows sacrifice. Fall asleep with flowers and gifts. In love he sees the meaning of life. Emotional, ready to share responsibility. Makes a nest where he feels safe.
Leo Having fallen in love, shines with happiness. Love increases self-esteem and overall tone. Romantic, ready for anything for the sake of the chosen one, including extravagant acts. Not meeting reciprocity, looking for more. Loves to give gifts. Not afraid of loneliness, because he knows his own worth.
Virgo Unobtrusive, but active and persistent in love sign. He generously gives gifts and compliments, but to his taste. He loves order and stability, which prevents the partner from revealing his individuality. Falls in love rarely, but can start a relationship on mutual interest. Unpromising relationship ends.
Libra It is difficult for this sign to take the first step, it can dream of a loved one for a long time. Waiting for initiative from a partner. Often doubts his choice, sometimes all his life together. Wants to have a strong but sophisticated personality by his side. For the sake of love, he is ready to change, but he puts his affairs in priority, he is selfish.
Scorpio Falls in love three times in his life, the last time - with a marriage partner. Shows strength, passion, energy, ready to surrender without a trace, waiting for the same steps and actions. He will not accept refusal, strives for power and control, as Igor Rodin writes in the book “How to communicate with Scorpio in order to always win?”. Often destroys relationships with innate mistrust.
Sagittarius The most amorous sign cannot live without love. At first, he is reckless, fights for reciprocity, does not accept refusal, because of which he can suffer and break firewood. In a relationship, he prioritizes his feelings, but it is impossible to forget a romance built on reciprocity with Sagittarius.
Capricorn is conservative and from childhood knows exactly who he needs. Falling in love, does not see anyone around. Love liberates him, makes him more confident. Does not accept light novels, appreciates intelligence, practicality, nepotism. Takes the initiative in relationships, expresses love in actions.
Aquarius Does not like constancy, amorous. Ready for an affair with busy partners, because love is more important. Having fallen in love, he becomes a romantic, shows sincerity and attention. Can take the first step without hiding feelings. It is difficult for him to develop relationships; a smart partner can hook Aquarius.
Pisces yearn without love, falling in love often and violently. If there is no real partner nearby, they will come up with and fall in love with an imaginary one. They idealize people, getting a blow in the stomach from reality when the romantic flair flies. Feelings do not show, hiding them in the depths. Prove love by actions. Without reciprocity, they suffer in silence.
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