How to stop being jealous of someone else’s success
id: 10050505

If you feel like you’re obsessed with someone else’s success or failures, there’s a good chance that you’re jealous.
Use these ways to stop being jealous and divert all the negative energy into something positive that can ultimately help you lead a better life.
#1 Don’t live in a world of comparisons. In this world where everyone’s lives are open for all to see through social networks, it’s easy to constantly compare yourself with your peers and competitors.

While healthy competition is a good sign, blatant jealousy isn’t. If you want to be successful in life, be your own competition. Compare your own past and try to get better every single day. It’ll help you become the best you can be without falling prey to petty jealousy.

#2 Your achievements matter. Celebrate your own achievements, however small they may be. Rome wasn’t built in a day. You can’t hate someone else because they’re famous or earning a lot more than you are. At some point, they were in the same place as you.

Life isn’t easy. But with serious effort and dedication, you can achieve your own dreams. Base your happiness on your own achievements and not someone else’s achievements, or you’ll find yourself angry and bitter all the time.

#3 Be passionate about your life. Love yourself and respect your own life. If you’re not happy, choose a new career path that you love. When you respect yourself, you won’t get jealous anymore. You may be envious, but not jealous because you believe in your own capabilities. If someone else is better than you, it’s a reason to envy them and work harder, not become jealous and wish them ill.

#4 Ask yourself the truth. Why does it bother you if some other person achieves something better than you? There are so many people in the world. Why are you associating all your jealousy and triumphs with just this one person? Aren’t you being small minded and stagnated by worrying over petty fights when there’s a whole world of opportunities out there?

#5 The world is unfair. Deal with it. Some people have better lives and better opportunities. What are you going to do about it? You can’t do a thing other than create your own successes. Fantasizing about your jealousy will take you nowhere. You know that already, don’t you?

#6 Stop wishing you were someone else. You’re not. And you will not become someone else with wishful thinking. Unless you consciously work towards achieving more, you’ll spend the rest of your life bitter and fragile because your happiness doesn’t come from your own success, but from watching someone else’s downfall.

#7 Everyone has their highs and lows. Life isn’t always perfect. While you may be jealous of someone, there may be many other areas where you have a better life. Be realistic and see the truth as it is. All of us fail some and we win some. When you realize that you have a great life too, you’ll be able to stop being jealous all the time.

#8 Don’t lose your life. When you focus on jealousy, you’re losing your own real life because you’re too busy thinking about someone else’s glories or happy moments. You could hate someone else because they’re prettier or get more attention, but what you don’t realize is that your life has stagnated and nothing will ever change unless you do something about your own flaws and shortcomings.

#9 Be positive. Be confident and pursue your own dreams. Jealousy is a way of accepting failure. Why are you jealous? Don’t you think you are capable of achieving the same pleasures as the object of your jealousy some day? Jealousy is your mind’s subconscious way of giving up and whining about how unfair life is. Don’t succumb to it. Instead, go out there and prove that you’re better.

#10 Jealousy comes from fear. What are you afraid of? Almost always, jealousy stems from a deep fear that you may never achieve the same thing. The more you’re jealous, the more you’re convincing yourself that you’ll be no good. Unless you do something about it, you’ll spend the rest of your life feeling bitter and hateful. Turn that jealousy into determination, without ever giving up and you’ll definitely stop being jealous all the time.
