Apathy is a mental state, which is characterized by a complete absence or a sharp decrease in aspirations and interests, depression of emotions, as well as indifference to ongoing events and people around.
Is apathy considered a disease?
- This condition is not an independent disease. Rather, it is a signal that cannot be ignored, because apathy can subsequently really lead to serious mental disorders, for example, to depression.
Isn't apathy the most common laziness?
— These concepts are often confused, but there are differences between them.
Laziness is some kind of habit that has become a character trait and which manifests itself in moments of lack of motivation (interest).
If there are goals and there is a clear interest in what a person does, in his life, but there is no strength, no inspiration, no emotional excitement that helps to move forward, this can already be considered apathy.
Any depression is a reason to consult a specialist. In most cases, this can be done anonymously.
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