a smile is life!
id: 10050382

Today I looked around and realized again that the world is beautiful! Bright sun, blue sky, green grass and lots of flowers! All this makes me smile. And what makes you smile? I like to smile and laugh a lot. Because sadness kills us. I think you'll agree with me!We need to try to be optimistic in life. They say it prolongs life.. People who smile often have a much higher chance of crossing the 80-year mark than their unsmiling acquaintances. Scientists have come to such an unexpected conclusion.
In addition, a smile relieves us of pain.All due to the production of hormones of happiness — endorphins, which have soothing and analgesic properties.During a smile, stress is reduced and neurotransmitters are produced that improve health.
And a friendly facial expression is a powerful weapon for those who are building a career and dreaming of moving up the corporate ladder. Scientists have found that people who smile look more confident in themselves, and therefore they are more likely to be asked for help, and they will overcome the steps of the career ladder faster.

I love life and all its colors!
And what made you smile today?
Smile more often! A smile doesn't cost anything, but there are great things behind it!
