People are so far the only living beings capable of reflection and a look at themselves from the outside. Unlike cats and hamsters, we can at any moment be distracted from our activities and ask ourselves why, out of the many things we have chosen this particular thing. One article is not enough to describe all the possible answers to the question about the meaning of life. And life is also not enough to read all the thinkers and find out what they found meaning in.
That is why some modern philosophers acted more cunningly: they believe that each person must find for himself his own meaning of life.
You should not wait until someone from the wise answers this most important question, it's time to take life into your own hands and look for something that inspires and fills gray days with meaning.
“I don’t think that life in general has any purpose. It just happens. But each individual person has his own goal.
— Bertrand Russell, "What is an agnostic?"
And this very goal of yours needs to be found, and then live in such a way as to achieve it. However, philosophers warn that dwelling on the future is just as dangerous as hoping that the answer to the question of the meaning of life can be found by reading only one textbook.
“The habit of hoping for the future and thinking that it gives meaning to what is happening now is very dangerous. There will be no meaning in the whole if there is no meaning in its parts. No need to think that life is a melodrama in which the main character or heroine suffers and suffers, and then finds happiness. I live now and this is my day, then my son will have his day, and then his son will take his place.
— Bertrand Russell, The Conquest of Happiness
In the end, it is true: you can learn how to live only by starting to live directly. This is scary. It is not clear how this is all done, but we have no other way. No ready-made and tested instructions are attached to life. And if she was, then life would be too boring.
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