3 really effective hobbies that can relieve stress
id: 10048885

A hobby is a hobby, an activity that people enjoy in their free time from work or study.
Choosing a hobby, each person is guided by individual preferences and interests.
1.❗ Reading

Many books and scientific papers have been written about the obvious benefits of reading. It is well known that reading stimulates several brain functions, develops your analytical and cognitive skills, expands your horizons and vocabulary, trains memory and concentration, as well as imaginative thinking.

Classical fiction not only carries the spirit of a particular era, but, more importantly, develops critical thinking skills in readers that will help them soberly and balancedly analyze people's behavior, real life situations and make the right decisions. Poetry is good for memory training.

2. ❗ Music, cinema, visual arts

Any creative activity has a positive effect on brain function. Analysis of works of art, watching performances and films develop visual-figurative thinking, arts and crafts will help maintain fine motor skills of the hands, which, in turn, is also associated with brain function.

The basis of playing musical instruments is a mathematical structure, harmonies, memorization, reproduction and repetition of which improves memory. During music lessons, the left and right hemispheres of the brain actively interact, such training paradoxically helps to cope with stress more easily and trains multitasking.

3. ❗ Sports and intellectual games

Biologists have long noticed that physical exercise stimulates the production of a group of proteins responsible for memory and attention. It is known that athletes and physically developed people cope better with learning foreign languages and, in general, with working in managerial positions in large companies.

But sport is not only exercise. Chess, backgammon, board games can also be attributed to intellectual sports. Board games include the processes of objective thinking, the ability to act in a changing situation, and other analytical skills.

