how kissing affects self-esteem, health and relationships
id: 10048885

đź’‹British researchers claim that a girl has to kiss an average of 15 men, and a man 15 women, before everyone finds a partner for a long relationship.

đź’‹Kissing can cause a state of euphoria, provoke insomnia and loss of appetite, since at this moment the joy hormones dopamine and oxytocin are released.

đź’‹Kissing helps to normalize blood pressure, cope with stress and feel safe.

đź’‹There are more nerve endings in the lips than in other parts of the body: for example, the surface of the lips is 100 times more sensitive than the tips of the fingers.

đź’‹During a French kiss, 5 out of 12 pairs of cranial nerves and 146 muscles are involved - 34 facial and 112 muscles responsible for posture.

đź’‹Orbicularis oris, the circular muscle of the mouth, is responsible for the ability to kiss. It allows people to press their lips against each other, which is why it is called the kissing muscle.

đź’‹Most people remember the first kiss more clearly and vividly than the first sex.

đź’‹Two-thirds of people tilt their heads to the right when kissing. In the mind of a specialist
c, this habit is formed before birth, when the embryo chooses which way it is more convenient to turn.

đź’‹The science of kissing is called philematology, the specialist is an osculologist, and the opponent of kissing is a philemaphobe.

đź’‹Men who kiss their wives before leaving for work live an average of five years longer.
