Your knowledge in any area this time will help you in everyday life. You will be able to show yourself as an educated, well-read and very deep person. It will be interesting to communicate with you, so you will not lack new acquaintances and those who want to talk.
Even if you feel fine, talk to the doctors. Perhaps it's time to adjust the treatment of chronic diseases. Or does it make sense to do some vaccinations.
Warm friendly communication during this period will be especially active. You will be invited to visit, to private and corporate parties, to visit at home. However, you should be selective in your contacts.
There will be an opportunity to meet a successful person whom you have known in absentia for a long time and in some ways consider yourself a model. Perhaps there will be a chance to change a boring job for a more prestigious or promising one.
You will run into people who will try to discount your achievements in any area. Save the detachment. If you tune in in advance correctly and decide that someone else's opinion means nothing to you, you will sleep peacefully.
The time has come for cardinal changes in your life, and it is better if you lead this process, build it yourself, and not resign yourself to what circumstances offer you.
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