⚡Deja vu is a rather surreal and fleeting feeling that can be like a waking dream, especially if you know for sure that you have never been in this place or situation in your life. And this phenomenon is incredibly common.
⚡What is this mysterious deja vu and how do scientists explain its nature?
⚡According to neurologists, people between the ages of 15 and 25 are most likely to experience déjà vu.
⚡While this does not mean that the chances of experiencing deja vu will decrease with age, you should definitely enjoy this feeling when it appears.
⚡The more people suffer from stress, the more often they report experiencing deja vu.
⚡Ultimately, déjà vu is further proof that the human brain is amazing. If a "mismatch" or a "failure" can lead to something so extraordinary, it is a true testament to how wonderful and delicate a mechanism our brains are.
⚡So the next time you experience deja vu, no matter how creepy it may be at the moment, take it for a harmless "glitch".
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