Dear friends,
Being a proud and progressive woman from Ukraine can be a challenge, especially when so many misconceptions about the Ukraine continue to surface and be discussed. In fact, the top three myths about the Ukraine are actually as far from the real truth as possible. Life, and especially as a woman, in the Ukraine seems to be misunderstood and thus women in the Ukraine are not appreciated and neither is the country itself which is actually so much more than many have ever imagined.
Myth #1: Ukraine is a dirty, cold & unfriendly country
The first myth that needs to be debunked is that the Ukraine is that the country is cold, dark and filled with people who are considered to be unfriendly and hard to approach. That is far from the case. The Ukraine has a beautiful landscape, well paved roads and a look and feel that is pleasing to everyone. The people of the Ukraine are the same, they are happy, friendly, helpful and kind to everyone they meet.
Myth #2: The crime rate in Ukraine is very high
The second myth is that the Ukraine is an unsafe country, and that the crime rate is very high. The truth is crime is found everywhere, and the incidents within the Ukraine are at the same level as countries such as the United States, Germany, Canada and many other Western countries that are considered to be safe places to travel, visit and live.
Myth #3: all Ukrainian women are a scam and fake
The third myth, which is a very personal one for all Ukrainian women, is that Ukrainian women are notorious for being con artists and scam artists. This is, simply put, just not true. Ukrainian women are passionate, loving, kind, thoughtful and believe in true love. The women of the Ukraine are shy by nature, and thus you need to approach them first, but once you get to know one you will quickly see how thoughtful and caring the women of the Ukraine truly are.
Once you get past the myths and fallacies of the Ukraine, Ukrainian women and life in the Ukraine; you will begin to see how wonderful of a country and culture the area is. The women alone have been criticized, rather unjustly, perhaps due to cultural barriers which have caused confusion regarding their more reserved nature up front.
However, once you truly get to know the Ukraine and the people of the area you will see how Ukrainians are a caring and culturally proud group who are more than happy to show off their warm smiles, sense of humor and compassionate nature provided you take the time to get to know them.
What do you think about it ? Are you agree with me ? Tell me about your thoughts please !
Waiting for your reply
Warmly, Inga
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