3 main causes of laziness and tips on how to get rid of it
id: 10048885

In fact, laziness is one of the forms of adaptation of the body, in which there is a need to save energy. There is no such thing as "just being lazy". Every your "non-action" always has an internal reason. For example:

🎈 Reason 1: lack of motivation🎈
Find motivation or create one for yourself. Ask yourself the question: “Why do you need to do this?” No great deed has ever happened without a purpose. If you don’t have it, then it will be difficult to find the point to proceed with your plan.

Your goal should be specific and achievable. You can, of course, set yourself abstract goals from the category “I want world peace” or “I want to become rich”, but, imagining an endless front of work, you most likely will not get down to business.
🎈Reason 2: It's too hard, boring, long, or scary🎈
Lazy because it's boring? Think of ways to make work more interesting. For example, washing dishes or running can be more fun in the company of an audiobook or music.
Laziness because the work is very large or difficult? Break the task into several small and easy tasks to complete. You must clearly understand what exactly you have to do. Make a plan on how and what will help you achieve this and get down to business.

🎈Reason 3: fatigue🎈
Laziness is often the result of overload, that is, a signal that you need to take a break. The body refuses to do anything else for self-preservation. If you are tired, rest, and laziness will disappear.
