Be true to yourself
id: 10046107

There are false beliefs that are far from the truth, but a person is sure that he is right and does not deviate from them in his actions. The time comes, and he realizes that he was on the wrong path, the worldview and beliefs as a component of the worldview change. And loyalty to oneself dictates other actions.
Summing up, we can say that loyalty to oneself is a feature of strong, whole and reliable people. Even if a person is mistaken in something, he is still worthy of respect. After all, following the principles is, as a rule, the result of finding the right path in life. And if, by mistake, he stepped on the wrong road, then in the process of personality development this can always be corrected. The main thing is that there should not be an indifferent attitude to the highest values ​​and a primitive conformist existence, which is enough in this world.
