These quirks can be attributed to personality traits or preferences, but in some cases they can indicate a more serious problem: obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), a condition characterized by obsessive thoughts and actions that affects about 1% of adults.
1 💦Hand washing💦
Compulsive handwashing or use of hand sanitizers is incredibly common with OCD. This desire usually comes from a fear of germs, but it can also be caused by a fear of passing on harmful bacteria to other people. This is especially true after the pandemic.
2 💦Overzealous cleaning💦
Although cleaning drives away these intrusive thoughts, the relief is short-lived and the urge to clean often gets even stronger next time. If you spend several hours a day cleaning up, it's almost certainly related to OCD. But it's a bit more difficult to determine whether cleaning for an hour a day can be considered a symptom. The main symptom of a problem is terrible anxiety and fear when cleaning is not done.
3 💦Organization💦
People with OCD can drive an organization to the level of perfectionism. Everything should be organized, look harmonious, be symmetrical and so on. This fussiness is often caused by obsessions with order and symmetry. Everyone wanted to see their things in perfect order. OCD occurs when "I want" becomes a "must".
Have you noticed at least one of these signs in yourself?
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