1. You would rather not hang with your significant other
It’s healthy to have a social life outside of your relationship. But when you start feeling like you’d rather do anything but hang out with your partner, it’s time to decide if you are still interested in staying with this person. Your instinct to avoid your partner could be due to an unhealthy situation, and If so, it is most likely time to call it quits on the relationship.
2. Bae is hot and cold
When your partner is being warm and loving one second and ignoring you the next it feels like being left out in the cold. This type of “push-pull” relationship dynamic can make you feel insecure, confused or frustrated. It’s a form of exerting emotional and physical control over a partner that can make the other person feel powerless or crazy. Being in a relationship with someone should make you feel secure and loved. If you don’t, it’s time to pull the plug.
3. Someone cheats (not just in bed)
Cheating is usually defined as a sexual act. But there are many other types of cheating that can be damaging to a relationship.Match.com explains what emotional, cyber or text cheating is and why any of these types of continuous cheating is unacceptable. If you experience or practice any of these betrayals it’s a definite reason to breakup with your S.O.
4. They make you feel stupid
A partner that is making fun of you in a nasty way or criticizing you in public is diminishing your self-worth. This can cause depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress (PTSD) and even suicidal thoughts. If your partner is belittling you in any way, you have to let them know. If it still continues to happen it’s time to end the relationship.
5. You are afraid to bring up certain things
You should always feel like you can talk about anything with your partner. If your partner shows verbal aggression that makes you feel intimidated or humiliated when you initiate difficult conversations, it’s a possible sign of emotional abuse. You need to know that needs to be addressed either with a caretaker, trusting adult, or friend.
6. They make you do things you don’t want to do
It’s never ok for your partner to pressure you to do things you don’t want to do. This can start off as a fairly innocent request, like asking you to skip an event with friends. However, these kinds of demands often escalate into asking you to skip class or stop talking to certain friends or family. Other common forms of pressure are asking for explicit photos or wanting to get more intimate than you’d like. If you experience anything like this in your relationship you need to speak up about it right away with someone you trust.
7. Your partner is manipulative.
Manipulation allows one person to get the upper hand in a relationship. Manipulative partners play many mind games and can be tough to spot. Some signs of manipulation are making you feel guilty, trying to convince you that they know what is best for you, wanting to know your whereabouts at all times or sensitive information like your social media passwords or code to your phone. If you feel like your S.O. is manipulating you, it’s best to talk to a trusted adult or friend.
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