A story from my youth
id: 10043422

Once upon a time in my youth we were going with friends to Poland in the car of our classmate.

Everything was going well, we were having fun on the road and listening to music, but no sooner had we reached the border than the car stopped going. We were in shock. No one understood what to do. For some reason we decided to continue the trip in the faulty vehicle, which we managed to get moving for a while. And what do you think happened after a couple of kilometers? The car broke down again. We turned off the road into a private area to look for help. We were stuck in the private sector for several hours. It was getting dark, we were scared. I wanted to go home so badly. It's a good thing a comrade was there to tow us back to town. It was the worst trip of my life. Now I never get in a car I'm not 100% sure about.

Have you ever been in a situation like this? Have you been stressed out a lot? What is the best thing to do in such a case in your opinion?
