How not to sweat in life
id: 10041739

1. We do not dramatize events
There is such an expression - "to make an elephant out of a fly." It is used when talking about exaggeration, giving something unreasonably great importance. It also applies to the case when we torment ourselves with feelings about our own mistakes, greatly exaggerating their scale.
2. We do not think out
It seemed to us that they looked askance at us, and now we are already building almost a conspiracy theory in our heads: the boss wants to fire us, the employees are intriguing, etc. It’s not better if a passer-by looks at us with a smile - we immediately think out that something was wrong with our hair or clothes, since it made him laugh so much. And the mood for the whole day is spoiled.
3. We do not set ourselves up for negativity
But, probably, everyone in the environment has more than one person who sees the future in a gloomy light or predicts a negative result for any action. And thus, pessimism poisons not only his life, but also the lives of friends and relatives. If this quality is inherent in us, then we quickly get rid of it.
4. Live in the present, not the past
Many people have a tendency that can only be called masochistic: they mentally return to unpleasant past events, reliving the negative over and over again. They cannot forget the insults inflicted on them once. There is even an expression - "accumulate resentment."
5. Don't generalize
Having suffered several failures one after another, we mentally reward ourselves with the title of failure. And fixated on failures, we thereby again set ourselves up for a negative result, which makes our life more difficult.
And for some reason, resentment from defeats remains in our memory much longer than the joy from achievements.
In order not to forget about all the good things that happened in our lives, you can start a diary where you can mark your achievements and pleasant life moments, albeit insignificant ones. In difficult times, these recordings will make us smile and help restore peace of mind.
