Unexpected way to extend life
id: 10048885

🚨Scientists from the University of Michigan (USA) found that people who have a goal in life and strive to achieve it live longer and complain less often about health problems than those who consider their life meaningless.

🚨 In their opinion, long-term plans for the future reduce the risk of developing many dangerous diseases, such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases. However, eating right and exercising can be the stimulants that activate other goals and charge us with optimism. At the same time, different people may have different goals - related to family, hobbies, profession, etc. In general, everything that makes life rich and fills it with meaning is important.

🚨The study lasted 4 years. Scientists analyzed various factors (age, level of education, bad habits, etc.) and correlated all this with the results of the survey. It turned out that those respondents who had a very significant goal in life felt better and suffered less from chronic diseases.

🚨So try to find a meaningful goal - and you will surely add a few more years to your life! By the way, we recently wrote what other habits will help you prolong your youth.
