The main causes of female jealousy
id: 10041739

1. Low self-esteem
First of all, the main reason for female jealousy is low self-esteem. An insecure woman will be jealous of her man. Strong is very rare.
Any female jealousy begins precisely with a drop in self-esteem. If a girl ceases to feel beautiful and see evidence of this, her self-love falls. Thus, she takes less care of herself, ceases to be strong. And at the slightest opportunity, he begins to be jealous with furious force and tantrums. And the first thing she will scream is that she is not beautiful, it means unworthy, that other one is better.
Mandatory items in the program to improve self-esteem: trips to beauty salons, shopping, girlfriends, compliments.
If you notice an increase in the level of jealousy in a woman, raise her self-esteem. Feelings that someone needs her, loved and idolized, can do incredible things. Otherwise, everything will come to the point that jealousy will take on colossal proportions. You will be jealous even of the TV. After all, spending time with other objects, and not with her, means that she is not beautiful enough, since her company is not preferred.
Well, if your woman has already managed to outline an object that is worth being jealous of, then a full comparison will begin. She will begin to remake herself, just to be better than her. Here, if you do not give the chosen one proper love and attention, she will begin to be convinced of her own unsuitability as your companion. Carping about their appearance will begin, another decline in self-esteem, and jealousy will intensify.
Every woman is afraid to be alone. Yes, even if with children. She is sure that then no one will need her. Again, a sign of low self-esteem. The fear of being alone increases the feeling of jealousy. She wants to attract a man to her as much as possible, even if she does not love him as before. All so as not to be left alone.

2. Loss of a partner
Women are very afraid of losing their love. And this also causes jealousy. She won you, she feels good with you, she doesn’t want to give her love away. A great fear that you will stop loving her as before, or love will subside completely. To become unloved means to become lonely and ugly, unnecessary. As soon as such fear intensifies, a woman begins to look for signs of infidelity in a man.

3. Free time
Another reason is a lot of free time.
A woman who sits constantly at home, and her only occupation is life and children, gradually goes crazy and begins to be jealous. Thoughts appear from scratch, imagination is played out. After all, there is a big world, and she sits here at home alone and it is not known what exactly her husband is doing. Life goes on without her.
Therefore, it is impossible to leave a woman alone at home all the time. She should have her own occupation, friends, some kind of work, a hobby.

4. My husband has a load at work
The reason may be an increase in the work of a man, also if he devotes more time to friends. This does not necessarily mean that the man is cheating.
But she sees everything in an exaggerated form:
Went back to friends? Jealousy.
Too tired after work or working a lot? Jealousy. This means that it is being avoided or is already being changed.
And if a woman is refused to take a walk, then expect an explosion of jealousy. Therefore, to avoid excessive jealousy will help more attention to it. Spend more time with your loved one.
Stopping the jealousy of a woman of this kind will not be easy and can take a long time. But it will save your union. More love and everything will work out.
