An overdeveloped imagination and thoughts about what the situation might turn out to be in the future give rise to the greatest worries and anxieties. If you get hung up on this and constantly come up with negative scenarios for the development of the situation, this will not lead to anything good. Even worse, if you remember some similar negative situation from the past and project it onto current events.
If you spend too much time and energy imagining the future in such a negative way, or constantly tormenting yourself with painful memories of the past, this further weakens your nervous system.
If you want to worry less, focus on the present moment! To do this, use the following tips:
1. Think about today. At the beginning of the day, or at the moment when worries begin to cloud your mind, sit down for a minute, stop. Breathe. Narrow your focus significantly. Don't look ahead, as you will see the goals to be achieved and start worrying even more. Just focus on the current day. Nothing more. "Tomorrow" isn't going anywhere.
2. Talk about what you are currently doing. For example: "Now I'm brushing my teeth." It is very easy to move into the past and the future. And this phrase will quickly bring you back to the present moment.
Ask yourself, how many times have your negative predictions for the future failed to come true?
Many things that you fear will never happen to you. They are just monsters living in your head. And even if something of your fears really happens, most likely it will not be as bad as you painted yourself. Worry is often a waste of time.
Of course, easier said than done. But if you ask yourself how much of what you were worried about actually happened in your life, then you will definitely let go.
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