Tip one - "iron doors"
According to the author, the first and most important thing that a person should know about anxiety is that in order to oust anxiety from his life, it is necessary to distinguish between the past and the future with all his might. Carnegie proposes to install "iron doors" between them, thus creating the "sealed compartments" of today. It is necessary to live in the present, not regretting the past and not worrying about the future. Otherwise, past experiences and thoughts of hope will create anxiety and worry.
Tip two - the "magic" formula
If a person is faced with situations that are associated with excitement and anxiety, he should resort to the so-called "magic" formula of the American inventor Willis Carrier, which is as follows:
You need to ask yourself the question: “What is the worst thing that can happen to me?”
Accept this "worst" in advance and put up with it if the need arises
Calmly think about ways in which you can change the situation
Tip three - "Memento mori"
A person should always bear in his mind the idea that worry and anxiety cause great harm to his health, which cannot be compensated for by anything. As an example, Dale Carnegie cites the claim that many business people who cannot deal with their worries die very early. And this is true, because anxiety makes a person nervous, and the nerve cells of the body, although they are restored, are not so easy and fast. The more a person worries, the less life remains for him. Remember this!
Tip #4 – Positive Thinking
In order for a person to be overcome by worries, worries and anxieties as little as possible, he must develop in himself a special frame of mind that can bring peace and happiness. To develop such a mindset is possible with the help of positive and cheerful thinking, cheerful behavior and the very feeling of joy from life. It is necessary to strive to ensure that positive notes prevail in feelings and thoughts. No wonder it is said that the mental impulses of a person have a formative effect on his life.
Tip five - activity
One of the main causes of concern is the lack of employment. If a person does nothing and his thoughts are not busy with anything, consciousness itself can begin to generate restless thoughts that cause anxiety. If you want to get rid of anxiety, load yourself with some activity. Intensive work and employment are the best medicines that can drive out the "demons" of despondency and anxiety from the human mind.
Tip #6 - Habit Change
Worry is a bad habit that needs to be broken. But the best way to get rid of a bad habit is to replace it with a good one. Stop getting upset over petty annoyances and trifles - this will be your new habit. Imagine the little troubles as tiny ants that destroy your happiness, and feel no regrets getting rid of them.
Tip Seven - Low Probability
Have you ever heard of the Law of Large Numbers? If not, read about it online. This Law is the best way to expel worries and anxieties from your life. How to apply it? Just ask yourself the question more often: “How likely is it that the event that bothers me will happen to me at all?” According to the Law of Large Numbers, this probability is negligible.
Tip #8: Embrace the inevitable
Many people experience suffering and continue to worry even when something unpleasant has already happened. Do not make this mistake - learn to reckon with the inevitable. This means that if you know that you cannot change or correct the situation or circumstances, you need to take it for granted, say to yourself: “It must be this way and nothing else” and calm down.
Tip Nine - Anxiety "Limiter"
To gain control over your worries, you need to set their "limiter", which will regulate the level of your anxiety. Setting a “limiter” means simply deciding for yourself what degree of concern this or that event in your life deserves. Set a limit that you must never go beyond, and don't let your anxiety overcome it.
Tip ten - interest in others
Anxiety overcomes a person when he is overly concentrated on his person. To neutralize anxiety, you need to forget about yourself and show more interest in the people around you. Every day you can do some kind deed in relation to even a stranger. Let it seem unusual and difficult, but the result will justify itself with a vengeance.
As you can see, Dale Carnegie's advice is very easy to apply. The only effort that needs to be made in order for them to begin to give tangible results is to make a firm decision to restructure your thinking in a positive way, to finally stop worrying and start living!
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