What role does money play in a relationship?
id: 10048885

🎯Discussing financial issues with a partner often causes violent emotions and often becomes a catalyst for partings, quarrels, betrayals and other passions. The reason is that money is an indicator of relationships in all areas of life, both in a couple and in a family.

🎯Discussing financial issues with a partner often causes violent emotions and often becomes a catalyst for partings, quarrels, betrayals and other passions. The reason is that money is an indicator of relationships in all areas of life, both in a couple and in a family.

🎯There are quite a lot of situations when people start to conflict over all sorts of financial issues, divide property, find out who owes how much to whom, and behind this there are often not only pressing problems related to survival, but how much is some kind of impossibility in relationships, to express this with using emotions.

🎯Money has a very important property. They are the measure of relationships. From the point of view of family or partnership relationships, if I trust all the money I earn to my partner, and we jointly decide where to spend it, form a common budget.
This means that the family has complete, one hundred percent, trust, not only in finance
