What is the danger of female envy ?
id: 10052260

The whole topic of femininity, women's communities, circles, retreats, practices, and so on is very popular right now. And of course the first thing they write and talk about in the ads - it's about equality, openness, that everyone will love you, accept you as you are, about support and sincerity...

Yes, we are all women, we all have feelings and want to be happy, but let's look at the world soberly, not through a pink unicorn and give ourselves an account that the woman is different. And this is not about good and bad, just a fact. Period.

So it is very important in what circles you are and with whom you interact, because female envy is not an easy thing.

First of all, it destroys the woman herself, even if she will not admit that she is jealous.

Secondly, jealousy pushes a woman to do different things, from bad advice (so that you lose the object of envy) to specific actions to deprive you of it or to appropriate it to yourself.

And believe me, in this "program", it will not occur to her to work on herself so that she could have it, even if it would be easier than taking it away from you.

Envy is a manifestation of the essence that lives in a person and feeds off of that energy.

Third, it is contagious! The more you communicate with an envious "friend", the more she has influence on you, which means she sows negative thoughts, fears, uncertainty that you do not deserve something, that all this is temporary and you are just lucky and further you yourself will destroy everything with your own "hands" 🤷♀️

There is no 100% way to calculate such people, but there are several signs that unite envious people:

- The person is not happy, his eyes do not burn, he does not reek of love and light, he sees negative in everything

- the person wants something and even knows what to do for it, but for some reason does not do it

- Well, and relevant to insta: he looks at all your posts, posts, but no reaction, likes, comments...

And most importantly: what to do with such people?!

NOTHING! Be happy 💕 and communicate with them less, and they will do "everything" themselves
