What could be easier answers to these questions?
id: 10052383

It would seem that what could be easier answers to these questions?
Well, they're not.
The questions are actually really hard. Stop for a few minutes, think about each one and listen to your heart. What do you feel?

Question 1.
Raise your hands, who as a child listened to something like, "Don't you want to buy a lip-roller?", "You'll get too much!", "When you grow up, go to work and buy yourself whatever you want", "Go to your bread and then you'll be in charge"... Now put your hand down if you've ever said anything like that to your child. How does it feel? Not only are we ashamed and guilty of wanting something more ourselves, but we also teach our children that.

I'm not saying now that you have to fulfill every wish of your child and take credit for the golden toilet at the first call👑 Just think about it, aren't you shaming your child? Aren't you making fun of him? Do you hear, do you know his dreams? Do you fulfill what is possible? And if you have - how long do you "remember" your merits?
Relationship with desires and dreams is a taste for life, the joy of living.

Question 2.
Look at each of your children (even if they are over 18). Is he happy? Here and now. Don't know the answer? Or you could just ask. And the answer may surprise, upset or delight (everyone has their own cockroaches🐛). It's one thing when a child is unhappy and no one knows about it, but it's quite another when parents are aware and can help fix the situation.

Question 3.
That's where it's easy... Let's go back in time🛩 remember the relationship with your parents. Yes, yes. They sincerely thought they loved you, too. In various manifestations of that love. And how did you feel?
Childhood is very flexible, and in a child's soul it never ends (the first 40 years of childhood are the hardest😂)
It is always possible to change something, to apologize, to admit you were wrong, to express regret, sympathy, to talk about pride and admiration, and of course - about your love.
