1💌 Determine the amount💌
Carefully calculate your monthly expenses for the last year. We take into account the costs of food, communications, transport, children's education, the most necessary clothes, loan payments, medicines. That is, in any case, you will need to pay in case of survival in a difficult situation. We do not consider spending on entertainment, all kinds of investments, savings for large purchases and vacations. The minimum size of the financial reserve is a cash reserve for six months of life without a permanent income.
2 💌Calculate the amount of deductions💌
Move towards the goal gradually so as not to drive yourself and your family into extreme conditions. The most important thing here is regularity. Decide how much you can save each month without affecting your lifestyle. As a rule, 10% of monthly income is the most reasonable amount of deductions
3 💌Properly store💌
Divide the amount into three equal parts. Put 2/3 in the bank on a replenishable deposit, from which you cannot withdraw in parts, and keep 1/3 under your pillow - in the worst case, if something suddenly happens to the bank. Another profitable storage option is a card with a percentage on the balance.
4 💌Check and correct💌
Keep in mind: essential expenses can change upwards over time. For example, a child enters an institute for a paid department. Or another baby is born in the family and spending on children doubles. At least once a year, you need to check the financial reserve, recalculate expenses and adjust the amount.
5 💌Use auto payments💌
If you set up automatic payment, the amount you have determined will be automatically transferred, for example, from your payroll account to an expense account where you keep your financial reserve. Then manually you will have to save only from additional income.
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