An exercise to assess your self-esteem.
id: 10052511

And imagine someone (your man/woman, friends, mentor, stranger, stranger, etc.) criticizing you, reprimanding you, insulting you, telling you that you are something you are not, that your hair and figure are wrong, etc.

What happens to the object that represents your self-esteem after that?

If it somehow transforms, then you have a problem with self-esteem.
If the object is stable, you have nothing wrong with your self-esteem.

First example. You have presented a flower. And in case of criticism, it withers, falls off, flutters, etc. Then you depend on the opinion of other people and your self-esteem is unstable, low.

Second example. You have presented a diamond. And in case of criticism you have it lying there shining. It sparkles. Then you do not depend on the opinion of others and your self-esteem is stable and adequate.

I wish every man and woman to feel they are the most valuable diamond.

What did you imagine?
