who is a careerist woman and why does this woman do that?
id: 10044773

In the first case, a woman enjoys her work and does what she loves, and, as a rule, this is her conscious choice, and in the second, the desire to make a career replaces everything else, and is sometimes associated with the need to earn money. There are many myths about female careerists, and the most common of them is that a woman who pays attention to her career risks being left without a family. What gives others reason to think so?

Let's figure it out.⚡️⚡️

1. The house is the world of a woman, and the world is the house of a man.

Despite the changing role of women in the modern world, stereotypes are still strong that a woman should deal exclusively with domestic issues, and a man with professional ones. However, in modern conditions, women's need for self-realization, material self-sufficiency has increased significantly, so they have to combine family and professional roles. Many girls at a young age are not interested in limiting their interests only to home and family in the future. They want to solve difficult problems, implement new interesting projects and become a professional in their chosen field. All this takes time and effort, so the issue of creating a family is postponed. For such women, going on maternity leave is more stressful than the stress caused by the appearance of a child. They need to be sure that they will not fall out of the cage and, after leaving the decree, will be able to catch up.

2. A strong woman scares men.

When selecting for a leadership position, women are subject to higher requirements than men. The rule is triggered, according to which a woman should be twice as good as a man. Women managers are expected to perform better than men, but they should not expect not only better, but not even the kind of treatment that men are entitled to expect. The higher the managerial position in the corporate hierarchy, the more others expect from managers of both sexes to demonstrate the most characteristic features of male behavior. It was revealed that women leaders differ from other women in their dominance, emotional stability, desire for self-manifestation, social courage and insight. Often, in order not to be labeled as an inefficient worker, women have to put on a “mask”, i.e. seek to hide their emotional and personal life.

3. Career and femininity are incompatible.

A career woman is most often a public person, and a huge number of meetings at work and the presence of subordinates obliges her to be on top and look her best. Modern successful business women, according to scientists, are distinguished by a bright personality combined with femininity. Such a woman is distinguished not only by a high level of professional activity, but also, unlike most men, by constant concern for her physical form and appearance.
