"everything is changing..."
id: 10052052

Our psyche is arranged in such a way that the same person, in the same circumstances, can give out diametrically opposite reactions, which will be determined by his current state, and a great many other external and internal factors.
Believe me, I have passed through my soul thousands of human stories and destinies.
I saw how a priori considered strong, broke down where, again, stereotypical weaklings, turned out to be at their best.
I've seen people labeled as "bad" in many situations behave in a much more noble manner than other generally recognized "white and fluffy".
I saw how "stupid blondes" with silicone lips tossed in the hospice of the dying, not disdaining any bedsores and smells, and highly intelligent ladies with three higher educations shyly pinched their noses, and quietly moved away, although they loudly trumpeted about charity on every corner.
I saw "indestructible machos" who caused awe at the courtship stage with overwhelming bouquets, and then left their wives upon the appearance of a disabled child ... and simple inconspicuous guys, it is not clear how they become the very stone wall that everyone dreams of.
I saw everything... And that's why all these "images" of the strong and the weak are ridiculous to me...
Today like this, tomorrow like this. And no one is to blame. Life is a living and flexible process.
And there are no fundamental buildings in it.
And the healthier a person is psychologically, the more he is ready for momentary changes, for the need to quickly adapt to a variety of circumstances ... to learn new things ... to boldly go where he never thought to be before ...
And the more he is ready not to rise up because of his strength today, and not to devour himself, showing weakness tomorrow...
Everything is changing...
And it changes very quickly. A man is just a man. Not a robot. Remember this and be on your side.
