Sex on the first date, to be or not to be.
id: 10010413
Dear gentlemen! I want to raise here from one side banal, and from the other side very actual problem. Sex on the first date...

They say, that men are not against it, but I do not know whether it is the truth... I am kidding, I know that this is the truth;)

But another situation we have among women. We love to make things complicated, I know, and from all the women of our planet I want to apologize. I am not proud of such feature of our characters and try to fight with it in my behavior. Why I decided to raise this topic? Because recently I have met a very basic example of our behavior...

I was sitting with my female-friends, and were discussing things, that women discuss, and decided to talk about men. And one of my friends told us that recently she had a fist date with a great man, whom she liked very much. But she has the rule :" No sex on the first date". Theatre, romantic dinner with candles in the most expensive restaurant of our city, first touch, first kiss, everything was just perfect. He offered her to come to his place... She agreed... He was polite and delicate, they were kissing, and then, after he tried to make further steps, she told him that there will be nothing between them... He asked why, but she became rude, told him something unpleasant and left him. They have not communicated since then and I asked her, whether she wanted him that night, and she told him that she wanted him extremely... And then I asked whether he was ready for that, and she told me that he wanted that too, and he was looking just amazing... And then I asked her "Why?"... She had nothing to answer... So here is the example, when both, a man and a woman suffer from stupid rules. As for me, it is really ridiculous to resist passion, joy, feeling, satisfaction because of such principles. If two adult people, being in good sprit, and willing to share with each other the mystery of love, are ready, then why not? Go, go, go! That is my position.

I hope you were pleased to read this blog, and I will be waiting for your opinions.. Thank you.

Woman in good spirit. Snezhana