Gray rain, white rain, black rain...
id: 10052052

When water falls from the summer sky, collected by grandiose snow-white clouds, washing flowers, fields, the sun - then the rain has the color of blooming rose hips, wild garlic inflorescences, steppe mallow ... when it is sown in a dull cold November in endless distances - then the rain looks like damp earth , rotten leaves and melancholy. Winter rain is purple: unusual and strange, with a dashing clatter in the snow, in winter, with a sly grin in the cold on the puddles, and then the day turns into a multi-colored thaw thread: and it seems to be mud and puddles, and everything comes to life - suddenly spring?
Spring rain - the colors of young foliage: bright, full of hope and delight, golden tones - faith in what lies ahead - happiness. Dark blue - evening, with flashes of pink and yellow lightning, rumbling until late at night ...
Although - it doesn’t matter what kind of rain is now falling outside your window: cold autumn, midday summer, unexpected winter or spring drops - it is important what color your perception will paint it, what music your imagination will give it, and what day will turn out in your life: dull or happy, full of hope or disappointment...
But still - have you noticed that every rain has its own colors, its own shades?
