Cognition of Cognition itself.
The shorter the day in winter,
The more stars there are in the sky!
The stars shine brighter at night.
I love the night sky!
And I love, in the night with the earth,
Around its axis, rotating, and
Its orbit, to fly to the sun,
And to learn a new reality!
The sun is shining in the firmament,
The reality is new, I will know it,
A ray of sunshine warms the heart,
The spirit of a new life excites!
In the morning, I walk joyfully through the dew,
I breathe in fresh air, and I know:
I live and I love! I'm flying and I'm walking!
Reality, its value, I know!
To the sun, in the morning with the earth,
Around its axis, rotating, flew,
And I woke up, and I'm flying away from him,
And I will know a new reality!
The one in which the Truth rules the world!
A reality where Homeland and Life are
the main Value, and values are
Honor, Dignity, Faith, and Love!
I look at the sky of autumn 2022, I sigh,
I remember the dialogue with the soul of the Creator.
About the coming Event her Thoughts are me
They worry. I'm talking about a series of life Changes
I'm thinking anxiously. I'm worried.
The reality is new! Main Event –
There is no empire..., and Changes in life -
The world is ruled by Truth, Love, Faith!
The cognition of cognition itself is an eternal question connected with reality.
A person learns Knowledge all his life. Cognition is a set of actions to gain knowledge about the world around us. Cognition is the identification of laws governing the processes and phenomena occurring in the life of intelligent beings, in order to preserve and improve the life of intelligent beings themselves.
The knowledge gained as a result of knowing the truth – the real reality, determines the Consciousness of a person – the creator of life. A person who has learned false knowledge about reality, as it were, destroys his life and the lives of those around him. Knowledge without knowledge, in a world of lies and false reality, is delusion. It is used to transform human nature and the environment, to the detriment of Mother Nature and the Creator's plan about Human nature and his being.
The difference between knowledge and cognition is huge. Knowledge is the accumulation of understanding about the surrounding world to meet the needs of a person, his soul. Cognition is the analysis, comparison, and accumulation of understanding about the surrounding world, to improve and preserve the Life of Mother Nature and Man, all living beings.
Cognition is the philosophy of life. The study of philosophy has a beneficial effect on a person, contributes to the formation of an orientation towards truth and kindness. Knowledge of philosophy saves a person from obsessive neighbor thoughts. Cognition allows distant thoughts to improve Consciousness, and significantly improve human-to-human communication. The little men begin to understand each other. How important it is for Life, for real reality!
The study of philosophy develops thinking better than all other subjects. Philosophy, love of wisdom, knowledge of knowledge itself, improves thinking. The new consciousness has a spiritual impact on human society and its values.
Wars and revolutions do not begin with weapons, but with the thinking of a person with a degraded consciousness, that is, a person with neighborly thoughts about his significance and exclusivity. Neighborly thoughts, the thoughts of a person who denies the Creator of life, and exalts the philosophy of Marxism, the philosophy of the French Enlightenment, or the philosophy of the exclusivity of Americans, have destroyed and are destroying life. They are the main value – they turn life into a game. Neighborly thoughts elevate democracy and its values to the pedestal of the ideal of life. For the sake of democracy, its protection, they sacrifice priceless things – human life.
A life of joy and love is a value, and there are no other values and there cannot be. It is possible to live in joy only in the homeland, where honor and dignity are worth more than material goods, where the Motherland and Mother are the sun of life, and their protection is the highest grace and honor.
What does it mean to live in joy? It means: to live in a family in which love rules; where the laughter of children, whose grandparents tell fairy tales to small children, pass on their life experience to them. It means: to live in a family that accepts guests with love and joy and goes to visit with joy; to live in a family where there is prosperity, where parents are engaged in useful work, for a decent salary. It means: to live in a family in which there is freedom to choose the path of improving consciousness, being, faith, culture, and never interfere with anyone to live with dignity; to live in the homeland under the government, which is for the joy of the people.
Love of the heart, kindness of the heart, friendship of the heart, trust of the heart, brotherhood based on love of the heart, justice based on love of the heart, everything that contributes to the joy of life and a happy life is a great value.
What is destroying and ruining civilization? Values that are from the mind and neighbor's thoughts destroy and destroy civilization.
Love out of calculation, kindness out of need, trust out of necessity, brotherhood out of inevitability, justice out of fear, everything that destroys consciousness and destroys life out of calculation and for personal gain cannot be values. A democracy that allows a minority to change the culture of life of the majority is a great evil. A ruler who forgets about his people is evil and trouble for the people.
A wise ruler always makes a decision to protect the interests of the people he rules. Such a ruler is a value and a joy for the people.
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