In Every Woman There Is Found Lilith
id: 135196
Who is Lilith you ask and why do I obsess over her? She, according to Hebrew mythos, was the first wife of the Adam (Man). According to all my extensive research on her, she was more than just a woman, she was the Goddess, the "Great Mother". But the Orthodoxy Patriarchal religions of Western Civilization could not rise into power against her potent energy of the "Divine Feminine", so they started a purge against her. Eve took her place (as the Wife of Adam). Rabbinical writing has it, that Lilith and Adam became at odds with one another over who would be the dominant one during sex. But, according to the rabbinical writings, Lilith became enraged at Adam, when he refused her desires. So she spoke the unknowable and unpronounceable name of GOD, and it "empowered " her to fly away from Adam and into Legend.

I became aware of Lilith when I was just fifteen years old, even though I didn't know her name yet (and not until 1994 would I know her name), she haunted my dreams and waking thoughts until I started doing drawings of the terrifyingly beautiful woman with the emerald green eyes and flaming red hair. I still have some of my early drawings from the 1970s (the young comic book years of my art career) of her. I gave her the name Constance (I was also developing as a young writer too) and made her the Queen of the planet I called, "Blue Star" She was the wife of a super hero I had made up named, "Blue Star", remember I was only 15, and an avid reader of comic books -- which is another story all unto itself.

So I grew up in the beautiful placid sleepy provincial community, in the heart of the Mississippi Delta, Webb, still having dreams about this mystic muse and dreaming about being an artist or writer. A few years later, I met my beautiful soul Light, Joan Leslie, we got married when I was just 19 and she was 17 -- almost 18. I continued to develop myself as a portrait artist and a writer of Fantasy and Science Fiction.

Lilith had become flesh and blood and now my living experience with Joan. This is why I say Lilith is in every woman; because her gift of sexuality and Femininity is very pronounced in most women -- except for those who choose to be like Eve...submissive to Adam. Joan was more like Lilith. I was so fascinated by Joan's powerful tempestuous will and strength of character that allowed myself to become imbued by her soul light....

This is what it is like to be so enraptured and captivated by the love of your soulmate....

This is the desires I have read expressed in so many messages from you beautiful soul lights of the Ukrainian. To know what is it like to find true love and your soul mate. I see and recognize the Goddess in you all and I urged you all to allow her to shine forth and guide you into your futures.

I write this blog so that you will read it and realize that women have both Lilith and Eve in them. And they must learn to balance these two forces of very powerful energies of the "Divine Feminine", it is what empowers a woman -- this balance of energies -- to be strong and courageous yet gentle and intelligent. I write this message from my heart hoping that it will give you a deeper and intense view of my soul light, that so many of you have ask a glimpse of, that is, who am I. What am I about...why am I here writing to you.

Before I conclude this terse blog, I wish to say that: I write from the voice of understanding and wisdom and from my heart. For these are the two paths I have been on all my life -- the Paths of Knowledge and Wisdom. And even though Lilith has lead me to develop myself into an accomplished portrait painter as well as an aspiring writer, I still have much to learn about her, through all you beautiful mystical soul lights of the Ukraine.

In another blog I will share with you more narratives of how Lilith changed my life and of how I met her in my two trans-personal experiences or near death experiences. In parting I leave you all with this image of an oil painting study I did of Dante Rossetti's 'Lady Lilith'.